How to Donate
Become a Climate Change Mitigation Champion Today!
We help Wisconsin nonprofits access solar technology. Your donations not only help us continue to fund our grant programs, but you are also helping further the mission of every nonprofit who gets a grant through a CSF project, for years to come! When nonprofits build solar for their organizations, they reduce their expenses and help their communities fight climate change.
The Couillard Solar Foundation has two primary paths for financially supporting our work: donations and sponsorship. Donations go directly to supporting our work and are tax deductible. All donations to the Couillard Solar Foundation are tax deductible.
Sponsorships connect to our annual educational solar series and offer publicity to the sponsor. As a result, sponsorships are not tax deductible. More information on sponsoring is located below.
By check, send to:
Couillard Solar Foundation
PO Box 382
Deerfield, WI 53531
To pay by credit card or other transaction type:
Please send your name and contact information through the form below. We will contact you to explain payment options.
You can also use this form to ask questions about our foundation or request additional information. We’re happy to answer any questions you might have.
Be assured we will never sell or share your contact information.
Sponsor our Annual Solar Series
The Couillard Solar Foundation (CSF) is currently seeking sponsorships for our 2025 Solar Series! We will hold six presentations over the course of the year, from March through November, highlighting topics relevant to industry members, allies and the solar curious. The series aims to help educate people on topics related to solar energy and to expose new audiences to our programs.
- 6 events over the course of the year beginning in March when we launch our Wisconsin Solar for Homes Project in partnership with Couleecap, a community-action agency in Vernon County, and culminating in November with the CSF Annual Meeting.
- Events will be held around the state in coordination with other organizations, each one focused on a specific topic, such as game-ifying your utility bills & climate anxiety.
- Each event includes free refreshments, a short presentation or activity and networking opportunities.
- The highlight of our Solar Series will be our 4th Annual Solstock Festival, scheduled for Saturday, May 31st. This year we are focusing the festival on storytelling, specifically renewable energy projects in development. We’ll be inviting students and other nonprofits to tell their stories and engage the audience with their exciting work.
Join us in promoting energy independence and environmental stewardship by sponsoring the 2025 Solar Series. Our goal is to support nonprofits, schools, churches, and other community organizations as they join the solar energy revolution. Our grantmaking and educational programs help raise awareness of solar power’s potential to foster shared economic and environmental benefits, as we endeavor to promote renewable energy across the state.
Your sponsorship goes far beyond the immediate value of the Solar Series events themselves. Long after a Couiillard Solar Foundation grant has been disbursed, the array it helps bring online reduces utility costs and offers clean, renewable energy to a community-based group.
With your support, we will continue to ensure that solar power is accessible to Wisconsin’s cities, towns and villages. Enclosed is the sponsorship form for your review. If you have questions, please let me know. I’ll also be sharing our flyers and marketing materials once you decide to sponsor and/or promote our event. Everyone is invited, so help us spread the word!
Sponsorship Levels
$1,000+ – Headliner
- Opportunity to speak from the stage before the Solstock headlining performance (<3 minutes)
- Your logo prominently displayed on event signage near the Solstock stage
- Your logo prominently displayed on event signage at Solstock
- Spotlight article in a CSF newsletter (<500 words with link back to your website)
- Logo shared on CSF social media (up to 3 times)
- Logo shared in a CSF newsletter and blog post
- Logo on CSF sponsor page with live link to your website, company description, and contacts
- Opportunity to table at Solstock.
$750 – Intermission
- Your logo prominently displayed on event signage near the Solstock stage
- Your logo prominently displayed event signage at the Solstock event
- Logo shared on CSF social media (up to 3 times)
- Logo shared in a CSF newsletter and blog post
- Logo on CSF sponsor page with live link to your website, company description, and contacts
- Opportunity to table at Solstock.
$500 – Performance
- Your logo displayed on event signage at Solstock
- Logo shared on CSF social media (up to 3 times)
- Logo shared in a CSF newsletter and blog post
- Logo listed on CSF sponsor page with a live link to your website.
- Opportunity to table at Solstock.
$250 – Patron
- Your logo displayed on event signage at Solstock
- Logo shared in a CSF newsletter and blog post
- Logo listed on CSF sponsor page with a live link to your website.
- Opportunity to table at Solstock.
$100 – Lantern
- Logo listed on CSF sponsor page with a live link to your website.
- Opportunity to table at Solstock.