Deerfield Solar Tour Site 6: Deerfield Middle/High School

Installed February 2019 – 360 kW
Array powers the Middle and High School
Installer: Arch Electric

Deerfield High School above

While the biggest of the Deerfield solar sites, this is also the hardest to see on the tour. The system provides about 25% of the Middle/High School’s electricity needs.

The array is made of up roof mounted monofacial panels set up in rows using ballasted racking. The panels are set at a 10 degree angle not too far off the roof. This does mean that snow fall in the winter decreases the output of the panels. As you can see from the photo, the array covers a large amount of the roof.

Ideally we would like to work on two things regarding this array. First, we want to help the school create curriculum around solar and clean energy so they can use the array as a teaching tool for the students.

Second, we are examining the idea of adding battery storage to make the school a resiliency site in case of emergencies.

For more information about the power produced by this and the other solar arrays in the Deerfield Solar Tour, please visit the Deerfield Solar Dashboard.

Couillard Solar Foundation Solar Pergola

Tour Information

In-person tour: The ASES National Solar Tour is always the first weekend in October. Other guided tours may be available during the year.

Self-directed tour: Any time. Pick up map at Couillard Solar Foundation offices (Mon-Fri) or download below.

This tour is part of the 2022 National Solar Tour. For more tour information and to see other tour sites near you, visit the tour map HERE.