ASES National Solar Tour – Oct 1 & 2, 2022

Couillard Solar Foundation Deerfield Solar Tour
The Couillard Solar Foundation is dedicated to our mission of growing solar in Wisconsin through grants and donations to nonprofits across the state. During this year’s National Solar Tour, we have a variety of events and activities planned.
As part of our mission, CSF has donated solar arrays to several entities in Deerfield, making this small community a leader in community solar. Maps and information about the other CSF sites in Deerfield will be available during the tour.
Sign up for our contact list to be notified about new events and activities as they are scheduled.
Tour Hours and Location
In-Person: Saturday, October 1, 2022 from 10am to 4pm
Address: Offices are located at 10 Liberty Road, Deerfield WI. (Look for the signs) Be sure to come to the back of the building to see our Solar Canopy – designed for beautiful functionality. Maps of other tour locations in Deerfield will be available at that time.
For more information: Contact Jackie Harrison-Jewell at
CSF Solar Tour Celebration Events
10am – 4pm
We’ve set up a great schedule of activities and presentations to celebrate solar in Wisconsin. Here are some of our scheduled activities:
- A mini-solar tour of Deerfield – Stop at the CSF Offices to pick up a map and a scavenger hunt entry form. Find all the scavenger hunt items on your entry form and become eligible for prize drawings.
- Family-friendly activities – Learn how to make a solar oven with items you can find around the house. Make sun art and more.
- EV Test Drive – If you’ve always wanted to drive a Tesla, here’s your chance. Also learn about charging your EV with solar power for even more savings.
- Informational presentations – We’ve invited experts and sustainability groups from around the state to have booths and offer information on everything from how to look at your electricity bill, understanding basic solar questions, financing, to sustainability practices for your everyday life. You can explore what these groups have to offer in a fun, relaxed setting. Whether it’s for you personally, or if you’re interested in solar for your favorite nonprofit, we can help.
- Live Music – 2-4pm – Relax under our beautiful solar pergola and listen to live music by the Bill Roberts Combo to wrap up our festive celebration.
A complete schedule will be available soon. If you’re group is interested in participating, contact Jackie Harrison-Jewell at
A Special Appearance by The Bill Roberts Combo
Performing at the CSF Solar Pavilion from 2-4pm
Bill Roberts has been voted best electric guitarist in the Madison area, and his award-winning album Blues Rides Shotgun has received critical aclaim as the best blues album of the year.
Make sure you come early so you can do the solar tour and then sit down to listen to some great blues/jazz music.
Thanks to our Sponsors for This Year’s Tour!
Gold Sponsors

Baker Shultz Tax & Financial
“We are Baker Schultz Tax and Financial, LLC, a financial organization in Verona, WI. We understand that individuals face unique challenges as they prepare for retirement. We can help take the mystery out of preparing for today and tomorrow. Whether your goal is preparing for retirement, college savings, or estate strategy, our personalized service focuses on your needs, wants, and financial goals and objectives.”

greenpenny bank
Banking Designed to Help Save the Planet
Greenpenny, powered by Decorah Bank & Trust Co., is a virtual and carbon-neutral bank dedicated to financing a sustainable tomorrow. They are employee-owned with a decades-long commitment to positive environmental practices.

Wisconsin Conservative Energy Forum
The Wisconsin Conservative Energy Forum (WISCEF) is a vehicle for individuals, organizations, and businesses to join the conservative conversation about Wisconsin’s energy future. WISCEF believes that an “all of the above” energy policy must be pursued by increasing our state’s commitment to reducing energy waste and developing “Wisconsin-grown” clean energy resources. Leveraging Wisconsin’s transition to clean and renewable energy will stimulate our economy, lower electricity costs, protect our national and grid security, reduce pollution, and improve the public health for all Wisconsinites.
Bronze Sponsors

Wisconsin Green Muslims/Faith & Solar
Wisconsin Green Muslims (formerly known as the Islamic Environmental Group of Wisconsin), a grassroots environmental justice group formed in 2005, intends to educate the Muslim community and the general public about the Islamic environmental teachings, to apply these teachings in daily life and to form coalitions with others working toward a just, healthy, peaceful and sustainable future.

Richland Acupuncture
Acupuncture and herbal medicine services
Located at 172 N. Church Street, Richland Center, WI 53581
Phone: 608-647-8700
Tours by CSF Grant Recipients
There is a vibrant and active community of solar nonprofits in Wisconsin. Many of them are choosing to participate in this year’s National Solar Tour as a way to promote solar and help their communities understand the value of solar and other renewable energy investments. Tours will be added as we hear about them. If you have a tour you want us to add to our list, please contact Jackie Harrison-Jewell at
There are also several residential and commercial business tours in Wisconsin. To see all your options please go to the ASES National Solar Tour site, and visit the Map. You can specify only Wisconsin tours by either zooming in on the map or filtering the selections to just Wisconsin sites.
If you don’t live near Deerfield (Dane County), please consider attending one of these tours near you.

Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) Solar Tour – Stevens Point/Custer Area
The Midwest Renewable Energy Association has been around for 30 years. They actively support solar education, installation and renewable energy awareness. Their tour is both in-person and virtual and the site includes videos about Solar + Storage (a hot topic since the recent Inflation Reduction Act) as well as information about solar group buys and more. If you are in the Stevens Point area, check them out!

Kathy’s House Solar Tour – Milwaukee
In 2021, Kathy’s House was completed on the Milwaukee Regional Medical Center campus. This structure offers a place to stay for patients and their families. The project included a variety of sustainability practices, crowned by the extensive solar arrays on each wing of this beautiful building.
The tour is in-person but there is also a video on the tour site page offering a 360 degree view of this installation.

UW Madison Arboretum Visitor’s Center Solar Tour – Madison
In October 2020 the UW Madison Arboretum Visitor’s Center added solar to their beautiful building. Their participation in the National Tour this year is virtual. You can visit the page on their website where there are links to a video, explaining their journey to solar, and see the dashboard that monitors the array’s energy production in real time.
Of course, you can also visit the Arboretum any time. The grounds are open 4am-10pm daily and the Visitor’s Center is open 9:30am-4pm weekdays and 12:30-4pm weekends.

Albertson Memorial Library Solar Tour – Albany
This community library really dug into their solar array project. Initially they just wanted to save the library some money, but soon they were involved in educating their small community about the benefits of solar. They had several events and even had the High School students create a photo display that hung in their library for over a year. The library has seen a 60% reduction in their electricity bill.
Their tour will be in-person October 1st, from 10am to 1pm.

Sisters of St. Francis Solar Tour – Green Bay
The Green Bay Sisters of St. Francis are committed to renewable energy and educating their community and visitors. They offer guided tours upon request and there are materials for self-guided tours available all the time.
Their combined solar arrays produce 50% of their electricity needs.
Their tour will be in-person on October 1st from 10am to 2pm.

Primates, Inc. Solar Tour – Westfield
This tour sounds like so much fun! You’ll get a tour of the facilities and a chance to feed the primate residents!
Their tour will be in-person on October 1st from 10am to 2pm.

Bethel Horizons Solar Tour – Dodgeville
Constructed in 2018, these two sites are situated on a camp in beautiful Dodgeville. It was a Solar for Good project, constructed by WES Engineering.
Their tour will be in-person on October 1st from 10am to 2pm.

Chippewa Valley Technical College Solar Tour – Eau Claire
Chippewa Valley Technical College was a recipient of a Couillard Solar Foundation Donation that made this array possible. It includes both mono-facial and bi-facial panels. CVTC students in the wind/solar program assisted in the installation of this project which made for a very valuable learning experience. This array off-sets about 20% of the Energy Education Center’s electricity use each year.
Their tour will be in-person on October 1st from 10am to 2pm.

Madison Circus Space Solar Tour – Madison
This is a virtual tour. Their site contains lots of great information about their project. You may also want to check out the organization itself. It’s a unique approach to exercise, where they teach circus skills for all ages.

Northeast Wisconsin Technical College Solar Tour – Green Bay
NWTC hosts several PV arrays around campus along with EV Charging Stations. NWTC is home of the Great Lakes Energy Education Center which houses electrical distribution, gas utilities, solar energy and energy management departments. This building has 170 KW presently with more under construction as part of the solar energy technology program, hands on student project.
Take a drive through campus and enjoy the variety of solar on campus.

Sun Prairie UMC Solar Tour – Sun Prairie
The SPUMC has solar panels on the sanctuary roof as well as the education wing provided by the Couillard Solar Foundation. The system is about 100 Kw and is connected to the electric grid.
Check out this video explaining the project.

Trempealeau Villagers Solar Tour – Trempealeau
While not a Couillard Solar Foundation project, we wanted to call out this collection of homes in Trempealeau just north of LaCrosse. This group is excited about solar and motivated to show everyone their investment in clean energy.