Welcome to the Deerfield Solar Tour Site Map

Tour Information
In-person tour: The ASES National Solar Tour is always the first full weekend of October.
Self-directed tour: Any time. Pick up map at Couillard Solar Foundation offices (Mon-Fri) or download below.
For more tour information and to see other tour sites near you, visit the tour map HERE.
Site 1 – Solar Pergola – Deerfield Mini Tour Headquarters

Installed Summer 2020 – 15 kW
Array powers the barbershop in Liberty Commons
Installer: Cris Folk
This solar pergola is the prototype for a new kind of solar structure. It is designed for beauty as well as function, and can be used in residential, business or community projects. It uses 36 bifacial solar panels, which use albedo, or reflected light to begin charging from early morning until well into the afternoon.
Site 2 – Solar Shed

Installed 2019 – 4 kW – Off grid
battery storage and EV charging station
This shed was built as a storage/charging station.
Site 3 – Deerfield Police Dept

Installed Fall 2021 – 15 kW now (will be 20 kW)
Will power the police department
Installer: All Sky Energy
Installed in fall of 2021, this site looks funny but performs a service.
Site 4 – Deerfield Public Works

Installed March 2019 – 180 kW – Installer: Arch Electric
Powers the village’s waste treatment plant
These 600 monofacial panels are constructed as a ground-mount array. Underneath the array native plants are allowed to grow.
Site 5 – Deerfield Fire Station

2Installed Spring 2020 – 33.8 kW arrays – Powers the Deerfield Fire Station
Installer: Cris Folk
Nearly complete, this is the latest version of the CSF Solar Canopy design. This pavilion will not only power the Fire Station but it will be available for community events.
Site 6 – Deerfield Middle/H.S.

Installed February 2019 – 360 kW
Installer: Arch Electric
This half a mega-watt solar system produces approximately 25% of the school’s energy needs. The solar monitoring system associated with the array can be used to develop energy curriculum for Deerfield students.
Site 7 – Test Site – Deerfield Garage

Installed June 2020 – two 3.7 kW arrays – Powers the village garage
Installer: All Sky Energy
These two arrays are a side-by-side test site designed to compare the output of bifacial vs. mono-facial arrays. These arrays are identical in every respect except for their panels. The array on the right, the bifacial array, consistently outproduces the mono-facial array by roughly 15% per year.
Since their installation the bifacial array has produced 857.12 Mega-watts. By comparison, the mono-facial array has produced 7.48 Mega-watts.
Be sure to look at the inverters on the garage wall to compare the output of the two arrays to each other on the day you visit. Note that even on a cloudy or overcast day, early in the morning or later in the afternoon, the bifacial array will be producing power even if the mono-facial array has packed it in.